Launch the SMS Marketing app, create a signup offer. There are two ways to test this..
1. Clicking on Test SMS will generate a opt-in SMS to the phone # listed for this business (see Account Info->General Info section). You will receive a opt-in message, if you subscribe you will receive the sign up offer shortly after
2. Add a customer on your Clover Customers app with a phone number and opt-in to marketing check box checked and save. You will receive a opt-in message, if you subscribe to it then you will receive the sign up offer shortly after. Click on the "Use This Coupon Now" to reveal the QR code on your phone. On the Clover Register app, when you are on the Pay screen, tap the SMS Marketing button. This will bring up the scanner, point the QR code to the scanner, the discount gets applied automatically and you should be able to proceed with the transaction and hit done. You(the owner) will always recieve an email whenever there is a redemption with offer type, user email that redeemed and the time stamp.