A status for your marketing campaign that describes whether or not it is running at the moment.

  • For each of your campaigns, you'll see information about its current state listed in the "Status" column of your Marketing->Campaign-Performance page.
  • A campaign's status affects all ad groups and ads within it. For example, when you end a campaign, all further messages within the campaign will stop sending.
  • Here are the campaign statuses that you might see:
    • Running. The campaign is running and will keep sending messages to eligible customers
    • Deleted. The campaign and its messages are not running because you've permanently removed it. If you just want to turn off a campaign, do not delete it. Pause the campaign instead.
    • Ended. The campaign has passed its end date, so it is no longer running and no further messages are being sent. You can start a new campaign.
    • Pending. The campaign has a start date in the future, so it has not started running yet. You can change the start date anytime before it's reached.